Wednesday, December 17, 2008

GM Bankruptcy?

GM Bankruptcy? Will it trigger liquidation? Will it cause mass issues in the automotive supply chain? Great questions that only time will give exact and definite answers to.

The recent events in gas prices rising, credit availability declining and the government stepping in to bail companies out is a test to our democratic system. It is a fact that government intervention; especially owning any company is one step toward Communism. I am not saying we should vote for or against any bailouts, but everyone better understand where that path ultimately leads. Read your Declaration of Indepedance and original Constitution. Have YOU ever read them? Boil down what is the government ultimately responsible for - it was originated to protect borders and control interstate commerce, my what a long way and big budget deficit we have come to. FREE ENTERPRISE is the country we live in, and it rules via consumer vote. This country was founded by people looking for opportunity to freely trade and freedom from persecution because of their beliefs.

If there is $$ to be made in the automotive industry, which there is just look at Toyota, the idea that the automotive market will topple over and we will be riding bikes is ridiculous to say the least. I have worked for automotive suppliers for 15 years and volume will shift to companies that have improved their SYSTEMS to survive in times like these. That is what the big 3 have not done and they had a warning 34 years ago. Read the TOYOTA WAY for some history. I am PRO AMERICAN, PRO FREE MARKET, PRO NO FREE RIDE, PRO YOU GET PAID FOR WHAT YOU DO and PRO CONSUMER DEMAND RULES, the alternatives are SOCIALISM which is simply COMMUNISM in a pretty dress, how is that working out for those countries? A "poor" person in American lives better than the kings of antiquity; they have more choices and freedoms than ever before in history. Today, the US economy still controls the world economy but the future looks a little bleak.

Those who come up with ideas, improvements, services and products that are of value to people who will buy them can profit in America. If there is enough value created, that person or organization can get wealthy and everyone benefits from an increased standard of living. If those that don’t provide benefit are rewarded, we will move toward communism. We live in the greatest country in the world and greatest country that has ever existed because of the Free Enterprise system which demands personal accountability, you starve that system and we all starve. My wish is that we all take responsibility to continue to learn and grow to make better choices to ultimately improve all of our lives.

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